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  5. Dichlorvos (FT 116) (rubrique sélectionnée)


Fiche toxicologique n° 116

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Édition : Novembre 2023


  1. The Pesticide Manual, 10eéd. Londres, The British Crop Protection Council/ The Royal Society of Chemistry; 1994: 313-314.
  2. Index Phytosanitaire ACTA. Association de coordination technique agri­cole; 1999: 91-92.
  3. Farm Chemicals Handbook. Meister publishing company; 1992: C 105-C 106.
  4. Weir RJ - Organic phosphates. In : Clayton GD, Clayton RE - Patty's lndus- trial hygiene and Toxicology, 4e éd., vol. 2, part A. New York: John Wiley & sons; 1993: 711-753.
  5. The Merck Index, 12eéd. Rahway, Merck & Co; 1996: 521.
  6. SAX's dangerous properties of industrial materials, 10eéd. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold ; 2000:1229.
  7. Dichlorvos - In : Base de données CHEMINFO. Hamilton : Centre cana­dien d'hygiène et de sécurité; 1999.
  8. Dichlorvos - Fiche de données de sécurité. Pantin : Roussel-Uclaf. Hygiène et Environnement; 1994.
  9. IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans, vol. 53. Lyon : Centre international de recherche sur le cancer; 1991: 267-307.
  10. Base de données Biotox. INRS. Consultable sur le site
  11. Dichlorvos. Health and Safety guide 18. World Health organization; 1988:42 p.
  12. Dichlorvos. In : base de données ECDIN; 1990.Consultable sur le site Internet :
  13. Dichlorvos. In : Base de données HSDB. Hamilton: Centre canadien d'Hygiène et de Sécurité; 2000.
  14. Dichlorvos. In : Base de données IRIS; 1993.Consultable sur le site Internet :
  15. Shimizu K et al. -Tissue distribution of DDVP after fatal ingestion. Forensic Sci, Int, 1996 ; 83: 61-66.
  16. Ecobichon DJ - Toxic effects of pesticides. In : Casarett's and Doull's Toxicology. The basic science of poisons, 5e éd. New York: Mc Graw-Hill; 1996: 643-689.
  17. Organophosphorous pesticides and long-term effects on the nervous system. Technical report n° 75. Bruxelles: ECETOC; 1998.
  18. Abdelsalam EB - Neurotoxic potential of six organophosphorous compounds in adult liens. Veterinary and Human Toxicology, 1999; 41: 290-292.
  19. Desi I, Nagymajtenyi L - Neurotoxicologic investigations of the pesticide dichlorvos (DDVP). Effects on the central and peripheral nervous system. Toxicology, 1988 ; 49: 141-148.
  20. Dichlorvos. In : Base de données EXTOXNET. Extension Toxicology Network, Pesticide Information profiles; 1996. Consultable sur le site Internet
  21. Toxicology and carcinogenesis of Dichlorvos in F344/N rats and B6C3Fl mice (gavage studies); 1989. In : National Toxicology Program, Toxicity Review 342. Résumé consultable sur le site Internet : http://ntp-
  22. Mennear JH - Dichlorvos : a regulatory conundrum. Regulatory Toxicology and Parmacology, 1998 ; 27: 265-272.
  23. Dichlorvos. Environmental Health Criteria 79. Genève: OMS; 1989: 157 p.
  24. Dichlorvos. In : Base de données POISINDEX, Micromedex; 1994.
  25. Menz MM et al. - Long-term exposure of fattory workers to dichlorvos (DDVP) insecticide. Archives of Environmental Health, 1974; 28: 72-76.
  26. Lauwerys RR, Hoet P - Iridustrial Chemical Exposure. Guidelines for bio­logical monitoring. Lewis publisher; 1993: 256-259.
  27. Mathias CGT - Persistent contact dermatitis from the insecticide dichlor­vos. Contact Dermatitis, 1983 ; 9: 217-218.
  28. Bisby JA, Simpson GR - Anunusual presentation of systemic organo- phosphate poisoning. The Medical Journal of Australia, 1975 ; 2: 394-395.
  29. Reeves JD, Driggers DA, Kiley VA - Household insecticide associated aplas­tic anaemia and acute leukaemia in children. The Lancet, 1981; 8: 300-301.
  30. Wadia RS et al. - Electrophysiological studies in acute organophosphate poisoning. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 1987 ; 50: 1442-1448.
  31. Blair D, Hoadley EC, Hutson DH - The distribution of dichlorvos in the tis­sues of mammals after its inhalation or intravenous administration. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 1975; 31: 243-253.
  32. Hutson DH, Hoadley EC -The comparative metabolism of [14C-vinyl] dichlorvos in animals and man. Arch. Toxikol., 1972; 30:9-18.
  33. Dichlorvos. Organic phosphorus pesticides. In Hayes WJ, Laws ER. Handbook of pesticide toxicology, Academic Press Inc., New York; 1984; vol. 2: 990- 1000.
  34. Proctor NH, Hughes J, Fischman ML - Chemical hazards of the workplace, 2eed., J.-B. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia, PA; 1988: 194-197.
  35. Brown LM,et al. Pesticide exposures and other agricultural risk factors for leukemia among men in Iowa and Minnesota. Cancer Research, 1990; 50: 6585-6591.
  36. Hoar Zahm S, Ward M, Blair - A Pesticides and cancer. Occupational Medicine : Stale of the Art Reviews, 1997 ; 12, 2: 269-327.
  37. Van Maele-Fabry G, Laurent C, Willems JL - Dichlorvos and Carcinogeni­city : A Systematic Approach to a Regulatory Decision. Regulatory Toxicology and Phamacology, 2000; 31: 13-21.
  38. Dichlorvos : carcinogenic for man? Position paper. Archives of Public Health (Belgique), 1998; 56:15-20.
  39. Métrologie des polluants. Fiche Métropol 030 (Pesticides organo- phosphorés). Paris, INRS; 2003. Disponible sur le site:
  40. OSHA Sampling and Analytical Methods, Méthode n° 62, OSHA Salt Lake City; 1986. Disponible sur le site
  41. Fire protection guide to hazardous materials. NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency), 13e ed.
  42. Petit JM - L'applicateur de produits phytosanitaires. Paris: INRS; 2001; ED 867: 16 p.
  43. Cuves et réservoirs. Recommandation CNAM R 276. INRS.