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  5. 1,3-Diphénylguanidine (FT 308) (rubrique sélectionnée)


Fiche toxicologique n° 308

Sommaire de la fiche

Édition : 2015


  1. 1,3-diphénylguanidine. In : Lewis - Hawley's condensed chemical dictio­nary. 14th edition, pp. 1-1223.
  2. 1,3-diphénylguanidine. In : Sax's - Dangerous properties. 11th Ed. Consul­tation du CDrom.
  3. 1,3-diphénylguanidine. In : Portail des substances chimiques, INERIS (
  4. 1,3-diphénylguanidine. In : HSDB, 2011 (
  5. 1,3-diphénylguanidine. In : Gestis-databank on hazardous substances. BGIA, 2013 (
  6. 1,3-diphénylguanidine. In : Fiche de données de sécurité. Carlo Erba. Date de révision : 18/06/2014.
  7. Mise en œuvre de la réglementation relative aux atmosphères explosives (ATEX). Guide méthodologique ED 945. INRS, 2011 (
  8. Évaluation du risque incendie dans l'entreprise. Guide méthodologique ED 970. INRS, 2012 (
  9. Les extincteurs d'incendie portatifs, mobiles et fixes. Brochure ED 6054. INRS, 2014 (
  10. Ioannou YM, Matthews HB - Absorption, distribution and excretion of 1,3-diphenylguanidine in the male F344 rat. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 1984 ; 4 : 22-29.
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  12. ECHA website ( 9877a14e-89ce-6031-e044-00144f67d031/DISS-9877a14e-89ce-6031- e044-00144f67d031_DISS-9877a14e-89ce-6031-e044-00144f67d031.html).
  13. SIDS Initial Assessment Report (SIARs) for SIAM 14. Paris, France, 26-28 March 2002 : 1,3-Diphenylguanidine, CAS 102-06-7.
  14. [NTP] National Toxicology Program. NTP Technical report on toxicity studies of 1,3-diphenylguanidine (CAS No. 102-06-7) administered in feed to F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice. Research Triangle Park (NC) : US Department of Health and Human Services, National Toxicology Program. NTP Technical Report 42. 1995. NIH Publication No. 95-3933.
  15. ECHA. Decision on substance evaluation pursuant to article 46(1) of regu­lation (EC) N° 1907/2006 for 1,3-diphenylguanidine, CAS N° 102-06-7. Helsinki, 26.02.2014 (www​
  16. Murata K, Kakamu S, Iga T, Mukai D, Hasegawa K, Oohashi N - Twenty- eight day repeated dose oral toxicity test of 1,3-diphenylguanidine in rats. Toxicity Testing Reports of Environmental Chemicals. 2001 ; 8 : 397-400 et 403-417.
  17. Koëter HBWM, Régnier JF, Van Marwijk MW - Effect of oral administration of 1,3-diphenylguanidine on sperm morphology and male fertility in mice. Toxicology. 1992 ; 71 : 173-179.
  18. Bempong MA, Hall EV - Reproductive toxicology of 1,3-diphenylguani­dine : analysis of induced sperm abnormalities in mice and hamsters and reproductive consequences in mice. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health. 1983 ; 11 : 869-878.
  19. Yasuda Y, Tanimura T - Effect of diphenylguanidine on development of mouse fetuses. J Environ Pathol Toxicol. 1980 ; 4 : 451-456.
  20. Liden C - Occupational dermatoses at a film laboratory. Follow-up after modernization. Contact Dermatitis. 1989 ; 20 : 191-200.
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  22. Mancuso G, Reggiani M, Berdondini RM - Occupational dermatitis in shoemakers. Contact Dermatitis. 1996 ; 34 : 17-22.
  23. Nettis E, Assennato G, Ferrannini A, Tursi A - Type I allergy to natural rub­ber latex and type IV allergy to rubber chemicals in health care workers with glove-related skin symptoms. Clin. Exp. Allergy. 2002a ; 32 : 441-447.
  24. Nettis E, Colanardi MC, Soccio AL, Ferrannini A, Tursi A - Occupational irri­tant and allergic contact dermatitis among healthcare workers. Contact Dermatitis. 2002b ; 46 : 101-107.
  25. Nettis E, Colanardi MC, Soccio AL, Ferrannini A, Tursi A - Latex hypersen­sitivity : relationship with positive prick test and patch test responses among hairdressers. Allergy. 2003 ; 58 : 57-61.
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  32. Crépy MN - Dermatites de contact professionnelles chez les personnels de santé. Fiche d'allergologie-dermatologie professionnelle TA88. Docu­ments pour le médecin du travail N° 125. Paris, INRS, 2011.
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  34. Cuves et réservoirs. Recommandation CNAMTS R 435. Paris, INRS, 2008 (